Our capacity to cherish nature is limited by the measure of our understanding. We encourage you to grow in your knowledge and understanding of nature - the entity that sustains us. Share your thoughts with us…
We share our knowledge of the environment as being a unified entity where humans ought to be an integral part of the ecosystem. There are Three series, each consisting of seven lessons geared towards Environmental Education as stipulated in the School Curriculum Framework. It will explain the following:
a) basics of a functioning ecosystem (7 lessons)
b) current human impact on various ecosystem services (7 lessons)
c) future technologies and human behaviour to ensure sustainable living (7 lessons)
Each Lesson consists of:
- 3 – 5 Page Topical environmental information
- Curriculum outcomes of all grades as they apply to the specific topic under discussion
- 20 or more Supporting articles shedding additional light on specific issues mentioned in each lesson.
To buy any of the products described above, visit www.environmental-management.co.za, which is a site for both ECONATICS and Environmental Management, the book by Prof M.L.Hugo upon which the base of the ECONATICS academic platform is built.
A Scientific Manual: “Environmental Management” Order CD from leonhugo@vodamail.co.za
A Scientific Manual: “Environmental Management” Order CD from leonhugo@vodamail.co.za
Here is the List of articles for FREE reading and commenting (Series 1: Basics to understand the ecosystem):
- Lesson 1 - An introduction to Environmental Degredation and the aims of Econatics
- Lesson 2 - The three main areas of environmental deterioration
- Lesson 3 - Natural Systems in our towns and cities
- Lesson 4 - The functioning of the Ecosystem and the role of a-biotic components
- Lesson 5 - The functioning of biotic components in the Ecosystem
- Lesson 6 - Dynamics of the Ecosystem
- Lesson 7 - Natural control mechanisms in the Ecosystem