Eco Enviroment Forum

Welcome to The Econatics: The platform from where we would like to promote environmental awareness. Econatics is the project of a group of environmental enthusiasts. It is now common knowledge that not only is the vitality of the environment, but also its continued existence as we know it, under threat as a result of mainly human-induced activities. We believe one of the main reasons for this current state of affairs, is that humans do not fully understand that we are a part of the natural world. By means of sharing information we are now widening the platform of participation for ultimate survival.


In the present climate of huge-scale environmental neglect, we believe that there are many of us out there who would like to cultivate a basic understanding and an appreciation of the functioning of the natural world, but a cohesive approach is lacking. Only as one get to grips with the issues that threatens our continued existence on earth, will we be empowered to make informed and mature decisions, adjust our life-styles accordingly and become true captains of change.

You can become an informed eco-warrior by reading the environmental information we offer on this blog and by reading and commenting on the lyrics of our songs. If you wish to be exposed to even more environmental information and see how it applies to the school curriculum, visit our partner site at site.

The vision to encourage, motivate and inform particularly young people regarding our precious natural heritage lies at the core of this initiative. We (Eugene, Jean and Prof Leon) grew up in a time where our parents had no problem allowing their boys (and girls) to go play at the river or even to sleep over in their make-shift tents next to the stream. The natural environment then was totally different to the dangerous and polluted natural assets in our towns and cities today.
On our partner website, you will be exposed to much more information that we have aligned with the school curriculum. In the first series (available now) of seven lessons we are explaining how the environmental world functions and it will become clear why certain actions pose a threat to its survival. We think it is really awesome that environmental education (EE) has been included into the national school curriculum. Countries like Canada, New Zeeland and Australia have done the same for their schools. It does not matter which career we are preparing ourselves for, our decisions and actions will have environmental consequences. Still we believe that EE as a cross-curriculum learning area is not being given its due importance. Hopefully by means of this website and your eager participation, we could change that.

The website will give you the following offerings. In the NATIONAL SCHOOLS CURRICULUM section we will include the environmental outcomes for each grade (with its various learning areas) as it relates to each particular LESSON.  This will then become a very useful tool especially for teachers who realize their responsibility towards the environment. Twenty or more SUPPORTING ARTICLES will be published with each LESSON to expand on details in each lesson and to indicate its practical relevance or to expand on the specific issue. This information will also be of great use to learners to see the role that the natural environment plays in the various learning areas. 
So while supplying you with useful information, I would like to encourage you to participate in our blog and in real life be involved in your community and school. Send photo’s and letters and help us spread the environmental message.

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